Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Thief (1981)

Micheal Mann's first major film and, according to the actor, one of James Caans personal favourites will give any fan of the director a great buzz.
The long shots where the action moves but the camera is still, the neon lighting and semi-deco sets and of course the electronic sound track is all there.
Film fans will note the heavy influence from movies such as Rififi and Le Samouraï, the man alone taking revenge against a world that has nothing for him, and that can only give credit to the cast and crew.
On the down side it's worth noting that Mann essentially made this film at least twice more in Manhunter and Heat. I could swear that the conversation Caan has with Weld in the diner is the exact same one De Nero has with Brenneman in Heat, also in a diner.
See if you can spot CSIs Will Petersen near the beginning and for the film buffs the lovely Tuesday Weld will pop up again many years later as Bob Duvalls flaky wife in Falling Down.
This is an enjoyable movie but if you don't like the super styling of Mann and Caan then don't bother because the air is thick with it.

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