Thursday, 23 April 2015

L'illusionniste (2010)

This delightful and beautiful feature length cartoon by the makers of  Belleville Rendezvous and, with an original screenplay by the great Jacques Tati, tells the story of a French stage magician struggling to make ends meet in the final days of vaudeville. A Scottish laird catches his show and invites him to perform on his island. While there, a young girl falls in love with his act and sees him as her opportunity for a new life of travel and excitement. They soon find themselves in the bright lights of the big city, but the times they are a'changing and they must both find a new way to live before the world leaves them behind.
This charming and funny cartoon has everything you need. The animation is outstanding, the story is both tragic and heartwarming in perfect balance and the ongoing interaction between the magician and his rabbit is the caramel on the croque-en-bouche. There wasn't a moment of this film that I didn't enjoy.
If I search for a criticism I could say that 90 minutes is long for a cartoon but I'm scraping the barrel and anyway, what studio Ghibli is that short?
A lovely way to spend ones time.

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