Wednesday, 22 April 2015

A Most Violent Year (2014)

This is a Scorsese/Coppola-esqu run at a high tension thriller and after an hour and a half of this two hour movie the audience will be relieved to find something happens!
Slow understates it. The lack of soundtrack and almost total lack of action make it hard to stick with, though there is something hypnotic about the lead's Al Pacino impersonation.
If as a director you're going to lift scenes from other, better films then do it like Tarantino does and lift them from films your audience probably haven't seen because after he hit the deer I was left waiting for him to go ask his mum for a knife to get rid of the hoof.
I find it totally unlikely that 70s New York would vote for a black DA too.
There is a really great performance from Elyes Gabel and both he and his character deserved more.
It has to be said that the real slap in the face is to spend all this time sweating over the will he won't he of getting the money to find it was all totally unnecessary, why the FUCK wouldn't she tell him in the first place?
This is not a bad movie but really the most interesting thing in the end is to know that it cost 20mill and took 188mill on it's opening weekend.
Oh and the title makes so little sense in context of the action that they have to explain it 3 times in the dialogue.

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