Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Black Sunday (1977)

Not to be confused with the Italian horror movie of the same name this 70's piece of pro Israel propaganda from Manchurian Candidate director John Frankenheimer is mainly notable for being written by Thomas Harris in his pre Hannibal Lecter days.
Robert Shaw, normally a bit of a favorite of mine, is acted out of the park by Bruce Dern who showed us in the brilliant Silent Running that he can play crazy very well.
In a genre I like to call the grey 70's thriller this one's fairly low on the pile. Although still relevant the story lacks the cleverness of films like Three Days of the Condor or The Conversation.
Everything is right, director, cast, writer, but the audience is left feeling a little let down in the end.
In short, read the book, it's more fun.

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